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Meister Eckhart

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Eckhart on the Trinity

I noticed that the link to Meister Eckhart's sermon on the Trinity 'Deus paciswas not properly linked, so people were not able to access it.  It is a shame as it is a lovely reflection on the Trinity translated by Karmen Lenz and myself.  

Eckhart uses the Scripture passage from II Corinthians 13 verse 11 The God of Peace and Love be with you for his meditation on the Trinity.  The mystery of God's three-fold unity is a rich theological notion that every preacher struggles to treat.  Here we see Eckhart, the preacher and teacher, beautifully presenting this mystery.

Just to let you know we are working on completing the remaining two sermons on the Trinity and we hope this summer will give us the time needed.  Hope is the key word.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Corpus Christi sermons posted

The three sermons (really two sermons and one gloss) by Eckhart for the feast of Corpus Christi have been posted and are complete.  Please check them out.  These are of particular interest given their clear affiliation with the thought of Thomas Aquinas.  Here we can see the impact of Aquinas on the thought of Meister Eckhart.

Once we begin to examine the Dominican influences in Eckhart it is evident that modern scholarship has very often tended to overlook this aspect of Eckhart, leading to mis-readings of the Meister.

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Body of Christ

  Allow me to once again apologize for my delays in getting to the last edits on Project 3, Eckhart's Corpus Christi Sermons I, II, and III.  I have no other excuse apart from bad timing and being in one place and the materials I needed on another continent.  
  Followers of the blog will be glad to know that we will be posting this selection and the work done by Brian FitzGerald has been outstanding.
  I am grateful for the generous work being done by these individuals who freely share their time and support this project to make the works of Meister Eckhart available online.  It is edifying to know how even in the midst of their many obligations they have made time for this worthwhile project.  Thanks to those working on these efforts and a special appeal to others who might be interested in sharing in this project.  My mother always said ‘many hands make light the labor’.

Friday, February 4, 2011

A book on Eckhart's Death

I have to post this.  It is a bit different from the AYCARDUS Project's normal works but it offers a diversion.  I recently published a novel on the death of Meister Eckhart.

I began wondering what we could say about his final years.  Studying the facts that we have on this great preacher's death put forth a new set of questions.  After years of studying Eckhart, asking about the facts, I began asking a different set of questions.  Only then did the facts begin to reveal their secrets.  Slowly the facts and events began to tell a story of their own, a most engaging story.

As I worked, it seemed to me that an academic article would be too difficult to do credibly and be of much interest to the reader.  The more I wondered about the facts the more I knew that there was a story that needed to be told.  But it is a story with a twist.

The boy's body lay on the deck, wet and motionless.  I recognized him as the crewman who earlier feared the River Witch.  I don't know how the past hour unfolded but it was the closest to the torments of hell I have known in this life.  We had just cleared the third and largest of the river islands and with each passage the  force of the river narrowed and its roll became more violent.  The captain had kept the sails full to push  against the current and the two rudder men were angling the ship into a somewhat calm passage up the Mosel.   It seemed all too perfect, all too flawless. . . .

(from chapter 3, 'The River Journey' in The Death of Magister Aycardus by M. Thomas-Paul Demkovich).

You can buy the book online here

or from and other retailers.